Variables in BOLDALLCAPS are things you put in yourself.
First make sure you have:
using System.Reflection;
Getting access to the field:
var fieldInfo = typeof(CLASSNAME).GetField("FIELDNAME", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
Getting the field value:
FIELDTYPE myVariable = (FIELDTYPE)fieldInfo;
Setting the field value:
fieldInfo.SetValue(null, myVariable);
First make sure you have:
using System.Reflection;
Getting access to the field:
var fieldInfo = typeof(CLASSNAME).GetField("FIELDNAME", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
Getting the field value:
FIELDTYPE myVariable = (FIELDTYPE)fieldInfo;
Setting the field value:
fieldInfo.SetValue(null, myVariable);